Inquisitor Valotaine and his adventures Part 3

Arrival on Baal
The Inquisitors ship landed silently on the landing strip adjecent to the Blood Angels Fortress Monastery. The Radio Communication had been brief and The permission to land was granted almost immediately.
    A Lieutenent greeted the Inquisitor when he stepped down from the landing pad.
You are most welcome Lord Inquisitor. We are recieving aid from all over the system as you can see. I will be escorting you to the Joint Operations Command, there will be a briefing in a few hours. Our serfs will escort your retinue to their lodging.

The Inquisitor and the Lieutenent went in the direction of the huge Monastery.
Jorkol gave a few orders with his coms and almost immediately a loud sound of a rushing engine could be heard from inside the space craft. A chimera and a dozen of military personell went down the landing pad.
We are ready, take us to our quarters Jorkol ordered the Serfs.

There were no questions asked and they followed the serfs in the same directions as the Inquisitor and the Lieutenent had went a few minutes earlier.

Jorkol and Jock in front of the Warbands Chimera. 

Jorkol, second in command. 
